Inner Strength Pilates is located at Howling Dog Studio in Sammamish, Washington, on a private acre lot in a residential setting. It is designed for private and semi-private Pilates equipment sessions and small 5-8 person mat classes. If you come for sessions, you’ll meet the studio’s namesake Siberian Huskies and may hear them howl.
Train at the studio on a regular basis; Arrange for Special Mat Training Sessions off site; or train a few times to learn the basics and add what you learn to your independent workout.
Hours M,W-F 7am – 8pm // Sat 9am-1pm
Email nancy(at)innerstrengthpilates(dot)biz
Phone 206-409-3080
Inner Strength Pilates
Howling Dog Studio
21314 SE 37th St, Sammamish, WA
We are located on the south end of the Sammamish Plateau with easy access off East Lake Sammamish Parkway, 228th or the Issaquah-Pine Lake Road. (The studio is in a residential area with properties 1 acre in size be sure to take a look a the directions even if you use a navigation system)
As in our studio name we have dogs on the property. If you want to greet the dogs take the walkway around the right side of the building (as you face it from the street); if you wish to avoid the dogs walk around the left side of the building. In both cases use the door next to the welcome sign.
From I-90 West
Take the East Lake Sammamish Parkway/900 Exit follow past the Issaquah COSTCO and turn north onto East Lake Sammamish Parkway. Drive past the Lake Sammamish boat launch take the second exit from the roundabout, turn right and head up the hill at the stoplight at 212th Ave SE. At the top of the hill turn right on SE 34th St, follow it to the end turn right onto SE 216th Pl, go to the end turn right on SE 37th. Continue to end, last drive on right – 21314 SE 37th St. Howling Dog Studio is the building at the end of the “cul-de-sac” with a 3 car driveway. Park. Your are HERE
From I-90 East
Take the Highlands Exit (1st Issaquah exit) exit, go Right under the freeway at exit, continue on this road. At the Issaquah-Fall City Rd continue straight. Continue west through the roundabout at Beaver Lake Rd. At the Park and Ride on 228th continue straight stay on this road as it winds until you read 212th. Take a left onto 212th and take the next left onto SE 34th St. (Pine Lake Estates).
Continue to the end and turn right onto 216th Pl SE. Continue to end, turn right onto SE 37th. Continue to end, last drive on right – 21314 SE 37th St. Howling Dog Studio is the building at the end of the “cul-de-sac” with a 3 car driveway. Park. You are HERE
From Sahalie Way (Redmond) or 228th Ave (Sammamish)
Turn west onto the Pine Lake-Issaquah Rd at the Pine Lake Park & Ride. Follow the winding main road, it will change number/name several times. Turn Left onto 212th Way SE. Continue to SE 34th, turn left. Continue to the end and turn right onto 216th Pl SE. Continue to end, turn right onto SE 37th. Continue to end, last drive on right – 21314 SE 37th St. Howling Dog Studio is the building at the end of the “cul-de-sac” with a 3 car driveway, Park – you are HERE.
From 520 East/Downtown Redmond
Exit 520 as it ends in downtown Redmond, go right and continue right onto East Lake Sammamish Parkway past Whole Foods & Les Schwab Tires. Take East Lake Sammamish Parkway until you reach the stoplight at 212th. Turn right at SE34th St (Pine Lake Estates). Continue to the end and turn right onto 216th Pl SE. Continue to end, turn right onto SE 37th. Continue to end, last drive on right – 21314 SE 37th St. Howling Dog Studio is the building at the end of the “cul-de-sac” with a 3 car driveway, Park, you are here.